The rest, is "history", that is if I allow it to be.
Targeted from the beginning of my history with Jessica, mother of my 17 year old son. A son I highly doubt holds total innocence at this point when it comes to my troubles.
My shit's fucked up.
San Diego County Section 8 made me wait 13 years to beurocratically fuck us out of housing. They just claimed we didn't send them documents we sent, and closed the case.
My Social Security disability was forced on me by my family, and made it impossible to get off of it, as getting a job requires full disclosure. While I was on SSDI, I was illegally garnished $276 a month for child support. They took all $4K of my back pay. I had to get the courts on it here in San Diego. Never got back any of it. It is as irrecoverable as my online business that has been stolen. It rendered me homeless for a long time.
Then my Mom, called Social Security trying to get to be my payee, told them I was on drugs, submitted my psychiatric records where I talked to my Dr. about my little self medication problem, and now I don't get Social Security anymore. I was paying $805 out of $890 a month in rent at that time. Scheeyah, lotta money on drugs.
The SSA now claims I owe them $50K in unwarranted payments. Cash Aid helped me from the State for awhile, but they are now garnishing (wages I don't have) me for $16,000.
Riding the trolley with no money has me owing $6000 in trolley tickets, and until that is paid my drivers license is suspended.
Losing my apartment when I lost SSDI has me in a $12,000 lein, with an eviction now on record.
My websites have been hacked, disallowed from monetization, censored, play counts doctored, comments, donations, sales and SEO disallowed, just to brush the surface.
And people talk shit, about everything, everywhere I go. I have a feeling that some are even making social commentary online about me, and profiting.
I am extremely lucky to have my life, as I have been stalked and attacked over this shit.
People, I don't know all of who is behind this, but I have some pretty good suspicions.
All in all, I have been cheated out of years of hard work, by people who have no room to talk.
Send Antidepressants, ($)
The hacking began when last I was in Bethlehem, PA. At that point in time, I was in Jessica's good favor. My Facebook and Twitter accounts regularly hooked me in with big celebrities, celebs like 50 Cent, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Nikki Manaj and I conversed.
I landed a job with ATnT and it looked highly likely that I was going on the fast track to be the Customer Service Center's Floor Manager. Then my fucked up life gave me what it so regularly does, my "Mom" (she's a black widow) made sure I had no shelter in the dead of Pennsylvania subzero blizzard conditions.
I was forced into Psychiatric Hospitalization, then made into a fucking zombie at a "low functioning, maximum care" psychiatric rehab. Even having missed months of work at ATnT, and my current situation, they interviewed me for management. The drugs the rehab force fed me led me to fuck up the interview.
Then I was put on Social Security, (SSDI)and they began planning my subsidized housing at a daily treatment facility.
I ran, once again, to San Diego leaving behind my only son, Shane.
How did it all begin?
Well, I had a great job, and an offer to buy a beautiful row home where I was living in Bethlehem, PA. His mother was an old acquaintance, and I wanted to have some fun.
I did not know that she was an ex - “high class” hooker, recovering heroin addict who had bi - polar and a long standing abusive relationship with her “knocked up at 16” offspring.
I did not know that she had a deadly sexually transmitted disease I somehow do not have when she told me to take the condom off, that she was on birth control pills even though she wasn’t. It was 9 months near to the day that he was born.
In the days after, she tested pregnant and unleashed a barrage of obscene bullshit, letting me know she had had 12 abortions already. She then dumped me, and decided to keep her baby.
Trying to live up to what I believed in, I had already introduced her to my side of the family, the only one of ours with money.
I wrote a book about my life, I went to church and played piano, and I met someone while this child was in utero.
She owned a cafe and art gallery, and was hooked up with all of the cool locals and politicians. I told her all about the pregnancy and my dreams of being in the womb with the baby. In my weakness and error, we slept together.
That woman became pregnant before me when she was ovulating, from a local restaurant owner she would not take as a husband, as he was already married. How do I know it wasn't mine? She told me her period was four days late the morning we slept together the first time.
Later, we agreed that we would keep the child, and use our resources to raise both children together as we saw would be better for them, and I was announced as the father. I was working 120 hour weeks at the cafe, doing online presence, booking, and working at the local prestigious golf club as a caddie in what little time was left.
She had an abortion and spread rumors like a virus that I was trash who had almost ruined her life. Along with my “family” it spread like wildfire in the community, and I was buried in smut and ruin and any hope of a way out of this reputation.
Over the years I tried many things.
In 2009 I lived “under their thumb” like the black diamond I was and rekindled with all of the shit dumped on me because I wanted to know my son and couldn’t seem to get out from under any other way. It didn’t work (you think?!)
In 2010 I was told to “get lost and that’s an order”, threatened, forced to go back to San Diego homelessness. My "mother" threatened what she would do to me if I didn't leave, and forced me on a plane at 4am one morning, leaving behind my only son.
In 2011, I found I couldn’t stay away. I moved back, and though no one would take me in from any of the “caring family” I had, I lived and worked from outdoors in blizzards of winter and used my chutspah to land that job, a real good one. My “mother” made sure I had no place to stay and I lost that job and the final realistic opportunity to create a relationship between me and my now estranged offspring.
I flew back to where I was sent before, (SD❤) and met with fate, my life partner and our daughter, now 9, with whom I have spent the years since.
A few years back, in keeping with making sure my son was “dangled like a puppet”, and that I was discredited, they all flew out, 3600 miles TO SEE ME…(?)
Of course, plane tickets, their lodging, fun stuff to do and rentals etc. left only enough that my son and I would meet at a "public park" for a little while. I refused.
My “brother”, Asher Brooks, he says I “am like a cancer to this family” last he texted years ago and takes that 17 years old boy (today) under his wing.
Yes, you Shane, if you are reading this. You have a first name given by your Mom's ex fiancee, two middle names I picked on a whim from the Bible, and your great uncle with whom we have no tie, and a last name from your Mom's ex husband. We share the errant discontinuity of our names, if nothing else.
As far as our lives spent apart? I have been locked out, kept away, and then blamed for it too. FUCK THAT.
When I left last time, I will always remember the $200 in presents I had to leave behind for Shane's birthday because I was not allowed to see my son because of my "mental health issues". Even on my worst day, I have never been denied seeing my daughter.
I am over it.
Shane, you are a grown man in a way, it was passed on to you by my “black widow” mother, my abusive "Adopted Dad”, and may I tell you now, you are older than the age they threw me out when I was a kid.
I wish you all of the best, but be warned. I know you hate my guts, and that you are very intelligent. I didn't choose not to be a part of your life, and in recent years, you chose not to be a part of mine. You've been really pretty fucking ignorant about things. Don't cross me, I will find no fault in cutting you down in return.
Here is my problem. Jessica has led a life of drugs, sex favors with probably hundreds of partners, and mixed in (because she is pretty) with the highest class of criminals you can bet on.
One such is a Russian/Ukranian hacker meth head who lived in Allentown when she told me about him back 17 years ago. (17th St.?)
I have been hacked by him and his network of online criminals since 2011.
I am convinced that in those 11 years, he has cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, and based on the fact that I would have been able to invest that money, most likely, millions of dollars.
The list goes on and on as to the level of white glove online crime they have put me through.
In 2011, my Twitter account was boosted to over 2.5M followers by him, then shut down. I found the link in my blogger statistical data to go to his "boosted follower" sales ad, and reported it to the F.B.I.. But, I think he is Mafia, and hard to get, what with dirty money payoffs and such. I saved the web address.
In 2013, curious, I paid them $40 to boost my Twitter to 20K followers. They did, and they were all Ukranian accounts. Starting then, things went haywire.
I will give you my account It is as follows:
My friends were erased, invited, sent messages not from or about me. I have had 5 accounts, I am locked out of 4 of them. Numerous times there were "catfish" attempts sent to my wife.
Twitter -
Followers boosted, then for a decade not allowed access at all. The account locks me out of doing much.
The account started big, then just stopped working, except to send more "catfish" attempts. Does things without my knowledge.
Pinterest -
Account suspended for content I did not place there.
Youtube -
My playcounts don't work, the "subscriber" buttons locked, the "like" buttons are locked. Every once in awhile they allow "a few plays" to be tacked on. The statistics don't match the number of views on my blogger.
Upwork -
Hundreds of bids on jobs. I never get responses.
No bid responses.
99 Designs-
I get the feeling they were messaged, and denied me.
Disallowed for 10 years to monetize. Google Analytics won't work, and I've spent many hours trying. My stats are fixed, and don't reflect the real numbers. The 300k views that do reflect, I have gotten no emails, calls, texts, comments, or business. One day, I watched my stats fluctuate by the thousands. Up and down. It is my belief after a decade of observing the metrics, that they moved the decimal place, and I only show 10% of my views. That places me at around 3 million views.
My donations buttons are locked and nobody can donate.
My email is fixed. Friends, colleagues, businesses, celebrity friends, agents, editors, family, the messages either don't get through, don't send, or I never, not in a decade get any messages from anyone but spam.
Jobing -
No responses. Many attempts to gain work.
No responses. Many attempts to gain work.
No responses. Hundreds of applications, resumes and cover letters sent.
No responses, hundreds of jobs applied to.
No responses, hundred+ applied to.
If I land an interview in person, the sent online information goes to them, and they always cancel. As if someone called or messaged them bad info about me. Has happened half a dozen times.
Google -
My SEO doesn't work. Analytics won't work. I have submitted dozens of times, done enclosure links (on my research, 300 of them, after which blogger deleted that option) I have read books, bestsellers on SEO, and spent hundreds of hours. Try googling Ozenoz Media. Nothing but stuff that makes me look bad.
Was stolen from me, then turned into a high dollar sale, then a porn site, now I think its back for sale at $6,000
Bought out from underneath me and turned into porn. I believe "Jessie" may be making under the table money from this, pimping herself out via "sex chat dating".
Stole from me. May have been key to hacking some other artist accounts, I believe is their most vulnerable account to exposing them.
Ghosted. By everyone. Recently got a message in a file in my "google drive" that was placed there after I got no reply to my message to a friend/bandmate. It was the response.
Google Drive-
So badly compromised, I just made it public domain at one point.
My author pages will not work, and I get no sales, at all.
I am sure my artwork has been compromised. So fucked, I just made everything free and available in google photo's.
I am sure you get the point by now. I am being fucked. There are dozens of more examples among smaller online companies. It has ruined many things for everyone in my family.
They even pulled off an online heist, robbing the WalMart Neighborhood Market I worked at for a 3 month stint last year. I am sure, as I watched, they lined it up around me. They left threatening messages around the store, addressed to me.
People around me everywhere know who I am. Those people should know, I stand unsuccessful and at risk because of crimes against me. Not because I am a criminal.
I am a 44 year old man with arthritis, oculagyric crisis, bi polar, bad knees, diverticulitis, and 30K hours of work that should have been, and should now be supporting my family. That would have included my now 17 year old estranged son.
As far as my living situation, it's nobodies business, and as far as my significant other, she chooses ME and that is her choice based on my merit and our love.
So you wanna know how I am?!